Thursday, August 26, 2010

Morgantown, West Virginia--An economic Oasis

Mountaineers surviving the recession!


  1. I found this comment amusing. "We found that you can't sit around and wait for the government to help you you have to dig in and pull yourself up by your own bootstraps." Isn't that self evident? :D

  2. I was about to comment: "you'd think so, but apparently it's not so clear to everyone." I changed my mind though, because I *do* actually think it's clear to just about everyone!

    There are conspiracy-theorists who believe we've all had our wine secretly replaced with some mystical Kool-aid, and I think they believe whatever drug it was laced with makes us think we should sit around and wait for rescue. They not only forget the actual calendar date and who was in office when certain "government handouts" were approved, but they seem to believe we're all greedy unemployed socialists who are waiting by our mailboxes for the government to hand out the cash.


Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing. ~R. May